ホタルの里 秋葉公園
今日は、少し雨脚が有ったのですが、ホタルの季節になりましたので、小淵沢から長坂までの間で、ホタルの名称といえば「秋葉公園」です。情報によれば、蛍の飛 び始めとあったので急遽カメラを担ぎ出し出発することにしました。何しろ、駐車場には5台程度しか止められないという書き込みもあったので日没前から駐車場で待機となりました。日没と共に、周囲の田んぼではカエルの合唱が始まり、それは、うるさいのってありゃしません。駐車場には、他の車が見当たりませんでした。誰も、来ないものか?そんな思いで夕暮れと共に公園に向かい ました。ホタルは、何処に。水の流れの静かな場所に向かうと、頭上をホタルの光が舞い始めていました。それは、幻想的な光景でした。静かに舞いながら辺りを飛び交っていました。そのうち、一匹は、私の手の上に止まり、光を放っていました。予想も期待もしていなかった様子に戸惑っていました。ほんの数分すると雨粒も大きくなり、急いで車に戻りました。今回の、目的は達成されました。しかし、誰も、みにくる人はいないものなのでしょうか。
During a brief break in the rainy season, I went to Kaigan-ji Temple today. It is a solemn Rinzai sect temple located in a remote mountainous area.
Today, it rained a little, but it was the season of fireflies, and Akiba Park is the name of the place between Kobuchisawa and Nagasaka. According to the information, fireflies were just starting to fly, so I hastily grabbed my camera and set out. After all, I had read that only about five cars could be parked in the parking lot, so I had to wait in the parking lot even before sunset. At sunset, a chorus of frogs began to sing in the surrounding rice paddies, and it was absolutely noisy. There were no other cars in the parking lot. Nobody was coming? With this thought in mind, I headed to the park at dusk. Where were the fireflies? As I headed for a quiet spot where the water was flowing, I saw fireflies beginning to dance above my head. It was a fantastic sight. They were flying around the area, dancing quietly. One of them perched on my hand and glowed. I was puzzled by this unexpected and unexpected sight. After only a few minutes, the raindrops grew louder and I hurried back to my car. My goal had been accomplished. However, I wondered if anyone would come to see it.