

今日は、朝から大雨でどこにも出かけられません。そこで、5月に撮った写真の整理をし一日を過ごすことにしました。そんな中に、清里の清泉寮の写真がありました、清里といえば清泉寮でソフトクリームを食べるのが訪問者の常なっています。確かに、最高の環境の中に建てられた清泉寮ですので誰もが一度は訪問したい、その気持もわかります。清泉寮は、今では、標高1380メートルにある宿泊研修施設です。建設当初の1938年は、清里開拓の父と呼ばれるポール・ラッシュ(Paul Rusch)が指導したKEEP(Kiyosato Educational Experiment Project:清里教育実験計画)の一環としての日米協会青年活動によるキリスト教研修の中心施設でした。当時まだ貧しかった山梨県のこの地に大きな可能性をもたらし、キリスト教信者のみならず多くの人が訪れました。清泉寮という名称は1937年に秋に現地を視察した立教大学の高松孝治教授司祭により名付けられた。高松は、「キャンプは清里駅から上っていくが、地番は大泉村に入っている。それなら両方を取って清泉寮としたらどうか」と提案したといわれている。1979年、聖路加国際病院にて82歳で逝去。遺骨は現在、清里聖アンデレ教会納骨堂に安置されている。(ウィキペディアより)

Paul Rusch : the father of the Kiyosato pioneers

It's been raining heavily since this morning, so I can't go out anywhere. So I decided to spend the day sorting through the photos I took in May. One of them was a picture of the Seisenryo in Kiyosato, where visitors usually go to eat soft ice cream. It is true that everyone would like to visit Seisenryo at least once, as it is built in the best environment.Today, Seisenryo is an accommodation and education facility located at an altitude of 1380 meters. When it was first built in 1938, it was the main facility for Christian training by the Japan-America Society Youth Activities as part of the Kiyosato Educational Experiment Project (KEEP) led by Paul Rusch, who is known as the father of the Kiyosato pioneers. It was the center of Christian training by the Japan-America Society youth activities as part of KEEP (Kiyosato Educational Experiment Project) led by Paul Rusch. It brought great possibilities to this area of Yamanashi Prefecture, which was still poor at the time, and was visited by many people, not only Christians. The name Seisenryo was given by Professor Koji Takamatsu, a priest of Rikkyo University who visited the site in the fall of 1937. Takamatsu said, "The camp goes up from Kiyosato Station, but the lot number is in Oizumi Village. It is said that he suggested, "Why don't we take both and call it Seisenryo?He passed away at St. Luke's International Hospital in 1979 at the age of 82. His remains are now laid to rest in the ossuary of Kiyosato St. Andrew's Church. (From Wikipedia)
Kiyosato St. Andrew's ChurchThis is an important church that occupies the core of the faith that led Dr. Paul Rush to stay in Japan. The church was consecrated in 1948. As a base facility for evangelism in the area, it is a tatami mat church, which is rare in Japan, in order to make it more friendly. The holy bell used to be a bell attached to the locomotive of the Transcontinental Railroad. The church also has a rural library that anyone can use. The simple but solemn stone-built cathedral is a symbol of the development of Kiyosato, carried up from Kawamata Valley. (Transcribed from the website of the Keep Japan Foundation)
The Paul Rush Athletic Center is the athletic facility of Rikkyo University. It is named after Dr. Paul Rush, a former professor of Rikkyo University who popularized American football in Japan and also worked for the revival of sports after the war.