

<津金学校> 明治8年10月21日に完成した「藤村式建物」です。西洋建築に強い憧れを抱きつつ、日本の大工技術で建てられた「擬洋風建物」の一つです。当時の山梨県令(知事)であった藤村紫朗氏にちなんで名付けられました。明治時代に建てられた旧津金学校は明治校舎とも呼ばれます。旧津金学校は、明治6年開校以来続いた地域の学校でした。明治期・大正期・昭和期(中学校)に渡って三世代の校舎が並んで建てられました。旧津金学校は、昭和60年[ 1985 ] 須玉小学校との合併によりその長い学校の歴史に幕を閉じました。明治校舎は、平成元年に復元され、柱や床の殆どは創設当時のものを使っており、北杜市24景にも選ばれています。須玉町歴史資料館として生まれ変わりました。現在、三代校舎は新しくさまざまな形で活用されています。https://tsugane.jp

Tsugane School(Gakko) 

This "Fujimura-style building" was completed on October 21, 1875. It is one of the "quasi-Western style buildings" built with Japanese carpentry techniques, with a strong admiration for Western architecture. It was named after Mr. Shiro Fujimura, the governor of Yamanashi Prefecture at that time. The former Tsugane Gakko, built in the Meiji era, is also called Meiji Gakko (Meiji School Building). The former Tsugane School was a local school that had been in existence since its opening in 1873. Three generations of school buildings were built side by side during the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa periods (junior high school). The former Tsugane School ended its long history in 1985 when it merged with Sudama Elementary School. The Meiji School building was restored in 1989, and most of the pillars and floors are from the time of its founding, and it has been selected as one of Hokuto City's 24 scenic spots. It was reborn as the Sudama Town History Museum. Currently, the third generation school building is being used in a variety of new ways. https://tsugane.jp