

日本百名山の甲斐駒ヶ岳、その白く輝く花崗岩の岩肌に磨かれた名水流れる尾白川、その水は日本名水百選に選ばれています。そんな美しい自然の中にある甲州街道台ヶ原宿。日本の道百選に名を連ねる素朴な街並みの一角に金精軒はあります。三つの日本百選に恵まれたこの地で、明治三十五年より本物の和菓子を丹精込めて作り続けて今日に至っています。車であれば小淵沢駅から白州へ向かい15分程度で到着します。昨年も好評であった「夏の塩レモン生どら焼き」を求めて朝9時前に到着。 こだわりの国産無農薬レモンを使用し、レモン餡、レモン入りムース、塩レモン生クリームとレモンが沢山入っています。レモンムースの爽やかな香りと酸味、餡と程よい塩味の生クリームがベストマッチ。飾りのレモンスライスが良いアクセントにないてます。写真は、PHOTOの方に載せてありますのでご覧ください。お店の方が、親切に形が崩れないように車まで運ん頂きました。それにより店前でこのような写真を撮ることができました。
A visit to Kinseiken at Daigaharajuku
Mt.Kai Komagatake, one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan, and the famous Ojiragawa, its water flows through the shining white granite rocks, has been selected as one of the 100 best waters in Japan. Koshu Kaido Daigaharajuku is located in the midst of such beautiful nature.Kinseiken is located in the corner of a rustic town that has been named one of the top 100 roads in Japan.Blessed with three of Japan's top 100 roads, Kinseiken has been making authentic Japanese sweets with great care since 1905. It takes about 15 minutes from Kobuchizawa Station to Hakushu by taxi.I arrived just before 9:00 a.m. to try the "Summer Salted Lemon Nama Dorayaki" that was so popular last year.The dorayaki is filled with lemon bean paste, lemon mousse, salted lemon cream, and lots of lemons. The refreshing aroma and sourness of the lemon mousse, the sweet red bean paste, and the moderately salty whipped cream are a perfect match. The decorative lemon slices are a nice accent. Please check out the PHOTO section for more photos.The shopkeeper was kind enough to carry it to my car so that it would not lose its shape. That's how I was able to take this picture in front of the shop.