High Rail 1375


山梨県の小淵沢駅と長野県の小諸駅をつなぐ小海線は、八ヶ岳高原線の愛称でも親しまれるJR線では日本一標高の高い地点を走る路線です。「HIGH RAIL 1375」は、小海線の特徴である標高の高さを表す「HIGH」と、線路の「RAIL」、そして野辺山駅から清里駅にかかるJR線標高最高地点「1375m」を組み合わせて名付けられています。標高の高い小海線から見上げる、「天空」「星空」を楽しむことができる列車です。この写真は、家の前から撮ったもので、いつもの小海線とは車体の色合いも異なっています。小淵沢の駅を出発し甲斐小泉までの間に「大曲」という場所があり、鉄道ファンの間でもカメラスポットになっています。

High Rail 1375
The Koumi Line, which connects Kobuchisawa Station in Yamanashi Prefecture to Komuro Station in Nagano Prefecture, is nicknamed the Yatsugatake Kogen Line and runs at the highest elevation in Japan among JR lines. The name "HIGH RAIL 1375" is a combination of "HIGH," which represents the high altitude that is characteristic of the Koumi Line, "RAIL" for the railroad track, and "1375m," the highest point on the JR line between Nobeyama Station and Kiyosato Station. You can enjoy the "sky" and "stars" from the high elevation of the Koumi Line. This photo was taken in front of my house, and the color of the train is different from the usual color of the Koumi Line. There is a place called "Omagari" between Kobuchisawa station and Kai Koizumi, which has become a camera spot among railroad fans.